**耐磨聚乙烯异形件A安国**耐磨聚乙烯耐磨件服务周到 **高聚乙烯异形件 聚乙烯耐磨件 聚乙烯加工件 聚乙烯耐磨加工件山东艾堡森新材料有限公司**生产**高分子量聚乙烯板,高密度聚乙烯板,聚乙烯异形件均是整板切割加工成型 1、**高分子量聚乙烯板耐磨损性能居塑料**,且分子量越大,材料的耐磨性和抗冲击性越高; 2、**高分子量聚乙烯板的冲击强度是现有塑料中的值,即使在70℃时仍有相当高的冲击强度; 3、自润滑,摩擦系数小,节省能源,手感似蜡。 4、吸水率较低。因此,其物理机械性能与使用的工作条件中的湿度因素无关。 5、**高分子量聚乙烯板化学性稳定,在一定的温度,浓度范围内能耐酸、碱、盐等各种腐蚀性介质及**溶剂的腐蚀。 6、**高分子量聚乙烯板无味、无毒、无嗅,本身无腐蚀性,具有生理循环性和生理适应性。 7、不粘附性; 8、高密度聚乙烯分子量**过50万时,脆化温度降至140℃。**高分子量聚乙烯甚至可以在液氮作用下,其使用温度可达269以下℃,仍有一定的机械强度。 **高分子量聚乙烯UPE滑块是我公司在借鉴国外**技术基础上独立开发的高科技产品。被国家经委列为国家技术创新项目。是由乙烯、丁二烯单体在催化剂的作用下,聚合而成的粘均分子量大于300万的热塑性工程塑料。该产品综合性能优越,耐磨损、耐低温、耐腐蚀、自身润滑、抗冲击性能在所有塑料中为*高值,可长期在-169 °C- +90C条件下工作,被称为“令人惊异”的塑料。可根据客户的要求,提供各种颜色的产品。 Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) is a high-tech product independently developed by our company on the basis of foreign advanced technology. It is listed as a national technological innovation project by the State Economic Commission. It is a thermoplastic engineering plastic with viscosity average molecular weight more than 3 million, which is polymerized by ethylene and butadiene monomer under the action of catalyst. This product has superior comprehensive performance, wear resistance, low temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, self lubrication and impact resistance, which is the highest among all plastics. It can work under the condition of - 169 ° C - + 90 C for a long time, so it is called "amazing" plastic. According to the requirements of customers, we can provide products of various colors.